Insert texts that respond to the questions: How do you read like a literary? How do you read like a writer?
(These question responses are under construction.)

My English Language Arts blog has some lessons and ideas.  - K.E. Smith

The Canadian Language Portal is useful for grammar, spelling, and language statistics about Canadian language. https://www.noslangues-ourlanguages.gc.ca/prps-bt-eng.html

Why do we read? http://youtu.be/MSYw502dJNY Also check out the continuing videos on this YouTube selection - Crash course in Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliette.

Object-Oriented Inquiry  http://cadrek12.org/category/project-focus/category-topic-area/disciplinary-content-knowledge ... sometimes known by other names such as Project-Focused Inquiry is useful for hands-on learning. Check out the MentorMob for many other examples of ELA lessons of this category http://www.mentormob.com/learn/i/pbl-my-favs/project-based-learning-examples-lesson-plans-ideas-templates-learningreviewscom-k12-educational-websites

Robert Burns, Scottish lyric poet http://www.robertburns.org

Use the Fab Four Strategy

Fab Four Read-Aloud from Reciprocal Teaching at Work by Lori Oczkus from International Reading Assoc on Vimeo.