Life-Long Teacher Learner

Lifelong Learning Note: As you move from teacher candidate to life-long teacher learner you may find the following suggested books and articles useful:

Beuhl, D. (2013). Classroom strategies for interactive learning (4th edition). Newark, DE: International Reading Association.
Buehl, D. (2011). Developing readers in the academic disciplines. Newark, DE: International Reading Association.
Coiro, J. & Fogleman, J. (2011). Using websites wisely. Educational Leadership, 68(5), 34-38. 
Fisher, D., & Frey, N. (2012). Improving adolescent literacy: Content area strategies at work (3rd ed.). Pearson.
Kajder, S. (2010). Adolescents and digital literacies: Learning alongside our students. Urbana, IL: National Council of Teachers of English.
Lapp, D., Fisher, D., & Grant, M. (2008). “You can read this text – I’ll show you how”: Interactive comprehension instruction. Journal of Adolescent Literacy, 51(5), 372-383.
Simmons, E. (2002). Visualizing vocabulary.  The Quarterly, Summer Issue.
Smith, M., & Wilhelm, J.D. (2002). Reading don’t fix no Chevys: Literacy in the lives of
            young men. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.
Smith, K. E. (2008). The act of reading: How do grade 5-9 students wread [sic]? English Quarterly, 40(3-4), 73-83.
Stahl, S. A. (2003). Vocabulary and readability: How knowing word meaning affects comprehension. Topics in Language Disorders, 23(3), 241-247.
Tovani, C. (2000). I read it, but I don’t get it: Comprehension strategies for adolescent readers.  Portland, ME: Stenhouse.
Vacca, R.T. & Vacca, J.L. & Begoray (2007). Content area reading: Literacy and learning across the curriculum.Toronto, ON: Pearson.
Wilhelm, J. D. (1997). You gotta be the book. New York: Teachers College Press.

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