9-12 Physical Education Lesson plans from Share My Lessons
Lessons from Spark
Insert texts that respond to the question(s): How do you read like an athlete?
How do you read like a dietician?
Lessons from Spark
Aboriginal Curriculum Integration Project -P.E. Lessons Index (Gr 7-9)
URL: abed.sd79.bc.ca/acip/indexfiles/pe_lessons_index.html
BC Ministry of Education Healthy Eating and Physical Activity ResourcesURL: www.bced.gov.bc.ca/health/healthy_eating/physical_activity_learning.htm
Comparing Steps & Activity Time Lesson Plan
URL: www.pembinatrails.ca/program/physicaleducation/Documents/Hidden%20Resources/Lesson%20Plans%20with%20Instructional%20Aides/8.%20Comparing%20Steps%20&%20Activity%20Time%20with%20Instructional%20Aides.pdf
Fraser Health Lesson Plans
URL: www.fraserhealth.ca/ your_health/school_health/ school_nutrition/lesson_plans
Grade 8 Healthy Eating and Physical Activity Learning Resource
URL: www.bced.gov.bc.ca/health/healthy_eating_phys_act_gr8.pdf
Lesson Plan Templates
URL: education.alberta.ca/physicaleducationonline/LessonPlans/templates/LessonPlanTemplateK-
Nutrition Resource Kits – Grade Nine Lesson Plans
URL: www.albertahealthservices.ca/SchoolsTeachers/if-sch-nfs-nr-kit-gr9.pdf
Physical Education Gr. 7-12
URL: www.pecentral.org/lessonideas/pelessonplans.html
Physical Education Online (Alberta Education)
Database of teacher generated lesson plans that address specific outcome
URL: education.alberta.ca/physicaleducationonline/lessonplans/viewplanselect.asp
SPARK PE High School Lesson PlansURL: www.sparkpe.org/physical-education/lesson-plans/high-school/
SPARK PE Middle School Lesson PlansURL: www.sparkpe.org/physical-education/lesson-plans/middle-school/
Sport Education Model
URL: www.slideshare.net/ davidfawcett27/sport- education-model
PE Scholar (Free but requires registration)
URL: www.pescholar.com/
TeachnologyURL: www.teach-nology.com/teachers/lesson_plans/physical_ed/
Ultimate Football Gr. 6-10
URL: www.lessonplanspage.com/PEUltimateFootballIdea412.htm
Your Brain on Exercise. Visuals www.openculture.com/2017/11/this-is-your-brain-on-exercise.html
URL: abed.sd79.bc.ca/acip/indexfiles/pe_lessons_index.html
BC Ministry of Education Healthy Eating and Physical Activity ResourcesURL: www.bced.gov.bc.ca/health/healthy_eating/physical_activity_learning.htm
Comparing Steps & Activity Time Lesson Plan
URL: www.pembinatrails.ca/program/physicaleducation/Documents/Hidden%20Resources/Lesson%20Plans%20with%20Instructional%20Aides/8.%20Comparing%20Steps%20&%20Activity%20Time%20with%20Instructional%20Aides.pdf
Fraser Health Lesson Plans
URL: www.fraserhealth.ca/
Grade 8 Healthy Eating and Physical Activity Learning Resource
URL: www.bced.gov.bc.ca/health/healthy_eating_phys_act_gr8.pdf
Lesson Plan Templates
URL: education.alberta.ca/physicaleducationonline/LessonPlans/templates/LessonPlanTemplateK-
Nutrition Resource Kits – Grade Nine Lesson Plans
URL: www.albertahealthservices.ca/SchoolsTeachers/if-sch-nfs-nr-kit-gr9.pdf
Physical Education Gr. 7-12
URL: www.pecentral.org/lessonideas/pelessonplans.html
Physical Education Online (Alberta Education)
Database of teacher generated lesson plans that address specific outcome
URL: education.alberta.ca/physicaleducationonline/lessonplans/viewplanselect.asp
SPARK PE High School Lesson PlansURL: www.sparkpe.org/physical-education/lesson-plans/high-school/
SPARK PE Middle School Lesson PlansURL: www.sparkpe.org/physical-education/lesson-plans/middle-school/
Sport Education Model
URL: www.slideshare.net/
PE Scholar (Free but requires registration)
URL: www.pescholar.com/
TeachnologyURL: www.teach-nology.com/teachers/lesson_plans/physical_ed/
Ultimate Football Gr. 6-10
URL: www.lessonplanspage.com/PEUltimateFootballIdea412.htm
Your Brain on Exercise. Visuals www.openculture.com/2017/11/this-is-your-brain-on-exercise.html
Insert texts that respond to the question(s): How do you read like an athlete?
How do you read like a dietician?
our own question: how do you read like an active person?
ReplyDeleteDrawing on social and cultural backgrounds we have inferred that to read as an active person can mean that a person may see a community club and read it as a place where people participate in a variety of physical and cultural activities. For example, an individual involved in a physical activity at a community club will not benefit from a teacher centred point of view, but rather through cloture (i.e individual activation and expression of previous experiences) (Buehl, 123).
People that are active may relate previous experiences in order to help them better understand a new activity, while being instructed. While people may draw on previous experience to help them comprehend new knowledge, instructors should frontload addressing gaps in texts or "motor programs", that may exist (Buehl, 121).
Through the text of physical activity, people create meaning. This can be explained through the use of knowledge maps. For example, an instructor may post the word "sweat" on the board, and ask participants to bubble out other words on the page drawing meaning from that word (Beuhl, 126).
Submitted by: Mr. Friesen and Mr. Hoskins
- An athlete reads their environment unlike any other person. Instead of focusing on statistics, literature, drawings or graphs; an athlete will perceive information through an ever-changing environment. They will focus on body movement, body language, spatial awareness and verbal cues. An athlete will still receive a plethora of information, however, they relay on their kinesthetic ability over all others. An athlete is reading a multitude of scenarios every few seconds, as there environment in dynamically changing. Each scenario will be slightly different then the previous, therefore, they are forced to read and react at a ever-changing rate.
ReplyDelete-A dietician will read by analyzing fact based research in order to develop a healthy lifestyle plan for either themselves or their clients. They will utilize their previous knowledge surrounding research proven nutritional information and how it will affect the body. A dietician environment is static in a sense that they are dealing with a fact-based product where the nutritional information on food/drink do not change. However, they must read their clients in a dynamic sense because their bodies will be progressively adapting to their nutritional needs. All in all, instead of reading a plethora of situations every few seconds, they work with concrete facts and adapt the need for their implementation as the client develops.
- In reference to David Buehl in the works, "Developing Readers in the Academic Disciplines", he speaks to the importance of not placing students in "cold reading" situations (pg.161). This can be related to athletes and dieticians as well. For example, an athlete "cold reading" could be related to being placed into a situation of no prior experience, or even into a level much higher than their capability. Often this situation would be viewed as a failure as they would be inefficient in completing the required skill. The same can be tied to a dietician, where they are asked to elaborate on or act in a situation high above their knowledge level. A dieticians knowledge is something that is developed over a period of time, it would not be suggested to expect them to know how to develop a nutritional plan for someone they are not qualified for. This could endanger not only their practice but most importantly their client.
Blaine Neufeld
Scott Smoke